How do you best celebrate the world of Dark Age of Camelot? By having little chunks of the in-game world in digital tabletop form! That’s just one of the rewards that’s being offered during the MMORPG’s 19th anniversary celebration, which tasks players with helping a cartographer and rewards them with up to four different Frontier Map trophies. The celebration will also offer up potions that boost realm points, bounty points, and comprehension among other goodies.
Speaking of realm points, there are a number of RvR bonuses being offered, including 50% bonus RPs from kills on Ywain, 50% XP gain in all classic and shrouded isle zones and dungeons on Gaheris, and boosts to crafting speed and crafting skill gain in capital cities and housing zones. The anniversary festivities will run until Tuesday, November 3rd.
Finally, there’s another grab bag of player questions that discuss battlemaster proc effects, a perceived decrease in getting comprehension potions, and why certain bracers have different quality levels. It’s… well, it’s a grab bag of random questions, but possibly an interesting read for those who are seeking answers to design and mechanics decisions.