There are a lot of things that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo all disagree about. Which company gets your money, for example. But a new posting on the official Microsoft site from corporate vice president Dave McCarthy outlines specific areas wherein all three companies are in perfect alignment with shared principles about making console gaming safer for everyone, especially the most vulnerable among players:
We believe gaming is for all people of all ages, including our youngest and most vulnerable players. Technology makes compelling entertainment experiences possible, and we want to ensure that those experiences – especially when they involve interaction with others – are positive and respectful. All players deserve to have fantastic social gaming experiences in settings where respect and safety are mutual.
The posting doesn’t lay out specific steps but instead highlights principles, chief among them being more open communication about safety policies, more strict moderation and ease of use for reporting, and more strict approaches to fight harassment. It’s a nice statement to see, even if it’s short on details and long on ideals. But hey, if the console wars can call a cease-fire for responsible behavior in games, maybe we can all be better about it.