While Pirate101 isn’t being targeted for shutdown, it is effectively in maintenance mode, which probably makes some long-time fans of the MMO a bit nervous. In the interest of casting a spotlight on the game, there’s word shared on Reddit of a community-led movement to attempt to save the title by flooding the servers.
This community effort asks players to log in to Pirate101 en masse on the week of January 24th with the intention of reviving the game and perhaps encouraging KingsIsle to create new content. The #RevivePirate101 effort has already drawn a lot of support, with a petition raking in thousands of signatures at the time of this writing, several Pirate101 streamers happily joining in the effort, community-led events being put together, and the related hashtag gaining a pretty good head of steam on Twitter.
Time will tell whether this effort will yield fruit, but if nothing else, it’s heartwarming to see a community pull together like it is in order to ardently provide support for their beloved game. MMOs are awesome, you guys.