By now we all appreciate that a variety of character goodies can be transferred between Phantasy Star Online 2 and its reboot-cum-sequel New Genesis — it’s a topic that was elaborated upon in August. Now, there are even more details on what can be brought over to New Genesis, just in case you’re looking to bring your old PSO2 character into the new world.
As with the last time, this rundown of what items can be brought from PSO2 to NG is extensive, with information on shop items, weapon and unit augments, and Layer Wear and CAST parts.
The post also outlines a long list of shared content and character unlocks that will move over, such as play time, personal customization like hairstyles, body customization, and race, and friend list details. Things that won’t be transferable include Mesata, class unlocks, character XP, mission progress, gathering and leveling achievements, and more. Make sure to scour the full list for all of the granular details.