Back in my day when I started playing MMOs, I took it as pretty well understood that you were going to want to join a guild of some sort. The guild mechanics in Final Fantasy XI weren’t very robust at all, coming down to just a chat channel, but the important point was that you were expected to have some sort of player organization to help back you up in the game. Even if, you know, the one you wound up with were kind of people you didn’t like.
This isn’t really the case any longer, I find. These days, if you’d like to be alone in a game, you can probably do so without meaningfully impacting your ability to get content done, at least through the leveling experience and quite possibly longer. But making it voluntary doesn’t mean that people don’t still band together even out of instinct. So would you rather be in a guild of strangers in an MMO or be all by your lonesome? Which do you tend toward in a new game?