If you can excuse an abstract exercise in anthropomorphism, this morning I’d like to talk about how MMOs treat us. While these are games that aren’t (to our knowledge) conscious of our actual existence, we do establish relationships with MMOs. We have feelings about these games, and we attribute feelings to them in turn based on how they treat us.
So games that love us are ones that appear to respond well to our enthusiasm, support, and fandom. These are the games (and studios) that give us a lot of communication, make much-requested quality-of-life improvements, and generally rise to meet the standard that we expect from them.
And then there are the MMOs that we love, we rave about, we pour countless hours into… and that clearly don’t love us back. They’re the titles that almost never put out updates, don’t engage with the playerbase, and don’t seem to understand what the community actually wants.
Which MMOs do you love… but don’t love you back?