It’s a bit of the new and a bit of the upcoming in Dauntless news today. In terms of new things, the game has put out its latest patch, which brings back the Thunderdeep Drask with some new moves to learn and new armor to craft. The patch has also kicked off the Umbral Heroic Escalation for the week, added some new armor and dye rumors to chase after, and made a few other adjustments to the game overall.
As for Dauntless’ immediate future, the devs at Phoenix Labs have updated a portion of the live roadmap with a few teases of the next Behemoth, a fiery avian foe known as the Phaelanx, promising unique attacks, armor, and aesthetic. “As a Pangar is to a Hellion, or a Stormclaw is to an Embermane, the latest beast is a new addition to an existing Behemoth family,” teases the roadmap card. The Phaelanx is set to arrive with patch 1.7.4.