The devs of the afrofantasy MMORPG The Wagadu Chronicles would like to take fans on a little trip through the rainforest and the villages of the Emere people by way of a Twitter thread, which shows off several pieces of concept art and outlines the function and design inspirations of several of the in-game culture’s buildings.
As one would expect from a people that live in and revere nature, Emere buildings integrate the rainforest in much of their structures. Many of the building designs are based on African cultural traditions and pre-colonial African technology, such as inventive furnaces in the crafting hall, storage baskets hung on trees to protect from pests and wildlife, and grouped housing compounds. On the subject of housing, the thread points out that in-game housing will be built around social groups instead of individuals, though there will be some “gameplay peculiarities.”
It’s an art-filled tour of one of Wagadu’s more unique groups, making it worth a peek for fans of the upcoming title.
1/9 Since we have been getting questions on what an afrofantasy town looks like, here's a glimpse into a village built by members of a rainforest Emere culture of Wagadu. 🌳🎋🌴🧝🏿🧝🏿♂️🧝🏿♀️🌆✨#Afrofantasy #architecture #MMORPG & #ttrpg
Concepts by @tyinfaowei pic.twitter.com/FG8RFEpASN— The Wagadu Chronicles | MMORPG & 5E Setting (@WagaduChronicle) July 23, 2021