If you read my trip through Star Wars Galaxies Legends for Choose My Adventure, you already know I made a lot about the help that the Napyet Gaming YouTube channel provides, and for good reason; the channel is full of extremely helpful guides for new players as well as some thoughts on the game, all of which are presented in an easy to understand, laid back, and clean way. With that in mind, we feel it’s important to highlight the channel’s latest helpful video, which provides a guide on how to improve SWGL’s visuals through use of the ReShade program.
There’s some important context to note for this video: Previously, the game’s launcher had a direct download link to the ILM visual mod but has since had that link removed and the mod effectively disabled. However, the ReShade graphics installer still works, and as Napyet showcases in the video, there are a variety of options the program is capable of to make SWG look nice (or at least slightly less rough). Of course, for those who like the features of ILM, Napyet has also created some video instructions detailing how to re-activate the mod using some file trickery. Both videos are posted after the cut.