Free-to-play MMO Grand Fantasia is in the midst of its its autumn and Halloween celebration, not to mention its brand-new Hauntings of Saphael patch, and to commemorate the occasion, Gamigo is granting a stack of nifty keys and unlocks to our readers!
Each key unlocks a Red Plaid Bunny Boy Outfit, a Red Plaid Bunny Girl Outfit, an Ancient Pegasus Mount, five makeover kits, and five gender change capsules.
Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!
To redeem your code, create an account on the official website or log into an existing account using that link, then enter your key on the official giveaway page. (This is a tracker link, not an affiliate link; we don’t make money off this.)Â Keys will work for players in North America, Europe, and Latin America through the end of November 2021, so use ’em quickly!
Good luck and have fun!