“Say friend and enter!”
It’s a big expansion day for two of Lord of the Rings Online’s progression servers. Speedy server Shadowfax is jumping into Rise of Isengard (with a level cap increase to 75), while pokey server Treebeard is finally moving into its first expansion, Mines of Moria (and moving up to level 60).
That’s not the only movement on the LOTRO front this week, either. Tomorrow, the fantasy MMO is debuting a new event — Geode Boost — which will run through January 10th.
And over on the Landroval servers, a pair of player-run events are pushing back the gloom of winter. The Twelfth Night Ball is taking place on January 9th with music, dance, and feasting. This is to be followed by the Winterstock IX concert series, which is scheduled from January 14th through the 17th.
Source: Lord of the Rings Online