Dungeons and Dragons Online makes several races and classes permanently free to mark its 16th anniversary

Sure, we can stay here.

It’s time to wish a happy 16th birthday to Dungeons and Dragons Online, but it’s also time for players to get a pretty sizeable gift to mark the anniversary: Starting now, the MMORPG is making several races and the Druid, Monk, and Warlock classes, which were previously paywalled, completely and permanently free for all players. Those who already purchased any of the races or classes in question will be getting a Greater Elixir of Discovery for each of the races or classes you owned prior to the release of Update 53.

Naturally, the celebration will also feature in-game events, with free celebratory outfits that everyone can pick up between now and December 31st, the return of fights against in-game members of the dev team at House Phiarlan, and returning anniversary cosmetics as well as new items. Subscribers to the game will also be getting a free Gold Roll on Daily Dice every day for the rest of the year instead of every week.

The celebration runs between now and Sunday, March 20th, but the classes and races are forever.

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