The development progress website of Dauntless has once again been updated, highlighting some future content plans and a roadmap for the 1.10.x series of patches that fall under the Return to Light subtitle. So basically, if you’re enjoying fighting the laser peacock griffin beast, prepare for more of that.
The 1.10 patches will start with a new Hunt Pass and updates to the Tragic Echo and Prismatic Grace exotics on Thursday, April 14th, followed by an anniversary event, balance changes, and bug fixes in patches 1.10.1 and 1.10.2.
After that is a bigger content update planned for Thursday, May 26th, which brings a Radiant Escalation mode that will likely feature an all-new Behemoth as the keystone fight, the opportunity for players to earn a rainbow crown for clearing all the heroic level Escalations, and the introduction of Legacy Hunt Passes that bring back previous hunt passes to purchase, makes them permanent, and lets players switch to any pass they want at any time.
Slayers who want to follow along with these features are welcome to check out the game’s Favro board or simply click the roadmap image below for a summary.