Hey, that skull graphic’s back up over a Dungeons and Dragons Online post, so you know what that means! That’s right, another run of the game’s wild and wooly permadeath server.
Standing Stone Games announced that it’s bringing back its Hardcore League server for its sixth season. The server, which allows player characters one (1) life before tossing them into the stasis bin, will kick off on July 27th and is available to both free and subscribed players. In addition to the challenge of playing under permadeath rules, the reward of the server is in part to earn special cosmetics that can’t be obtained anywhere else.
“During the Hardcore League, goals are set for players, and progress is based on two factors, each with their own ladder,” SSG explained. “One tests the player’s ability to conquer as many quests as possible, and the other tests the player’s ability to survive in the hardest mode ever brought to the game.”
Source: DDO. Thanks DDOCentral!