Chimeraland launches events, adds a character sharing tool, and prepares to introduce the Medusa


With a name like Chimeraland, you’d be forgiven for thinking that a classical Greek chimera would be out there somewhere, but apparently that wasn’t the case. At least it wasn’t until a recent update, which introduced an event that adds the chimera of myth, with the goat head and lion body and snake tail – the whole nine yards.

Between now and Wednesday, August 3rd, players can simply press an Encounter button to take on a daily Chimera Match and fight the chimera to earn points that can be exchanged for Ancient Greece themed home decor, Maturity Pills, equipment, and other rewards. The encounter comes in two different difficulties, each awarding 400 points, while an additional daily quiz can be taken on for up to 200 more points. The latest update has otherwise added some notable improvements including a full screen mode for PC players and a few other fixes.

On the subject of events, the game has also kicked off a giveaway in celebration of its Atelier feature that lets players share, browse, and give likes to characters that others have created. Players who upload their own designed characters to the game’s Facebook page will receive various boost items. Chimeraland is also giving away goodies for reaching over 10,000 wishlist additions on Steam; these rewards can be gathered up by entering special codes.

Finally, the game is teasing a future update that will let players have a Medusa as a friend, or more specifically an attendant. You can look at her (without turning to stone!) in the video below.

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