WRUP: How to give up on Simon for good this time edition


First of all, Simon is never going to build you that spice rack. You already know this fact. Simon building the spice rack was something he promised when he had far too much wine that night, and you could tell he was not being serious about that promise. He said that to you because you wanted to hear it and he didn’t want to fight.

You don’t even have all that many spices. As long as you’re being honest about Simon, you should be honest about yourself, and the fact is that you really only use a few spices at a time. The spice rack was never really about the spices; it was about Simon doing something that was important to you.

The spice rack wasn’t actually important to you either. You’ve never actually even wanted a spice rack! It was just something to ask for that you thought you would get because it was the thing you do. Why do you let so much of your life be dictated by those stupid magazines? Why are magazines what defines your relationship with Simon?

Simon is an eldritch horror from beyond time and space. Some might say that one is actually more important than the spice rack stuff, but we’re prioritizing. Let us know which one you think is more important in the comments to What Are You Playing.

Bonus question: What’s an old advertisement or trailer that you have sought out and rewatched?

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ve been dabbling around in Star Wars Galaxies Legends, City of Heroes, Lord of the Rings Online, and even the Glitch emu this week, so who knows where I will end up. I was expecting this to be a very different weekend from what it’s shaping up to be – I expected to have the house all to myself so I could dive into something new, but Events Transpired to quash all that.

I’m not much of a trailer person. It’s a good day when I remember to watch a trailer when it’s new.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I finished the Hildibrand quests in Final Fantasy XIV in one sitting rather than the few days I sort of originally planned to, so now it’s back to alt job leveling. Other than that I will very likely poke the current test build of Arcane Waters, and my Quest headset got Cooking Simulator VR so I’ll probably mess around in there as well.


Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): A little bit of the usual FFXIV and then probably some work plowing through my insane Steam backlog. I’m still in a really difficult place but trying to find the joy where I can and talking with a lot of people who are helping me through this.

I actually really like looking at the trailers to older movies I really enjoy. A lot of the films I love that are from my younger days, for example, are ones that I didn’t really see or internalize the trailers for in the first place; it’s fascinating to see how movie marketing has changed and how these films were sold.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m mostly playing Multiversus. I can’t believe it, but it’s actually pretty good. I’ve also been dabbling in The Elder Scrolls Online but it’s going to be a longer walk I think.

Bonus: I think I recently watched the trailer for 10 Things I Hate About You. Excellent old school, teen drama movie that also had an amazing soundtrack. Not to mention starring a young JGL, Larisa Oleynik, and of course Heath Ledger. RIP

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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