Star Wars lore nerds are probably familiar with the Battle of Restuss, which saw Imperial and Rebel forces fight over a new technology known as the Star Core. The battle ultimately saw the Star Core detonate, leveling the city of Restuss and increasing hostilities between both sides, and it was played out in the original Star Wars Galaxies back in 2006 over the course of three phases.
This brings us to the SWG Legends rogue server and its next Moment in Time event, which will let players experience this historic in-game battle once again starting on Friday, September 2nd. The entire event will be a 25-hour-long affair, with the first phase starting at 2:00 p.m. EDT and running for 24 hours, the second phase – aka the destruction of Restuss – running an hour after that, with the third phase tallying up scores and issuing badge rewards.
For those who aren’t able to join in at the appointed date and time, the operators of SWGL promise that they can and will revisit this event again. For everyone else, prepare to relive a fight over a MacGuffin.