Uncle Frost may have the now-traditional red velvet suit and the big white beard, but we can assure you that he’s not your friend in Albion Online. In fact, he’s trying to kill you, and in the spirit of the season, you better kill him right back and take his stuff. Never expect anything less from this MMO.
“Across the lands, monsters and adventurers alike are preparing for the arrival of a legendary being. No one knows where he comes from. Many have even questioned his existence. But we can confirm: Uncle Frost is real, and he’s in Albion! Until Friday December 30 at 10:00 UTC, you have the chance of encountering this famous figure in one of his festive grottos. These can appear in any T4-T8 Solo or Group Randomized Dungeon, regardless of the faction or zone – just look for Christmas trees at the end of the dungeon. If you defeat Uncle Frost there, you can find themed furniture and vanity items, including snowballs and, for the very fortunate, the ultra-rare Yule Stag mount skin!”
Sandbox Interactive also promises snowball fights and fireworks for this most festive of annual events. The crying about not getting the stag, of course, not the murdering of a Santa stand-in.