Third time is hopefully the charm with APB Reloaded’s attempt to improve its client. Little Orbit announced that the beta for the game’s 64-bit upgrade’s begun — and anyone can come check it out if they’re curious about how the game feels and plays with this improved iteration.
The studio said that while this may not be as big of an upgrade as originally planned, it’s a great starting point for a better future: “Undoubtedly, we are proceeding in smaller steps, getting to first base instead of continuing to strike out trying to hit a home run. The reason for our careful approach this time has a lot to do with learning to manage our ambition and bringing more tangible progress to the table for the players. The community has waited too long to see progress, and we are both excited and anxious to create a sturdy foundation to build on further.”
Little Orbit said that there is no NDA for this open beta test. The studio also anticipates switching the live version of the game over to this 1.30 version “as soon as possible” unless any significant problems arise.