Can the console wars get any dumber? Oh, you already know the answer to that: Last night, a relatively new hacker group claimed responsibility for a supposed breach of Sony and therefore PlayStation.
“We have successfully compromissed all of sony systems,” the group’s announcement reads. “We wont ransom them! we will sell the data, due to sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE […] WE ARE SELLING IT.” Just imagine we put in like 10 [sic] flags in that quote.
Aussie site Cyber Security Connect, which first reported the claims after spying them on a ransomware website, expressed skepticism over the breadth of the breach, pointing out that the proof-of-hack evidence offered by the hackers is fairly mundane, mostly in Japanese, and limited in size and scope.
As of this morning, Sony offered little comment, telling IGN, “We are currently investigating the situation, and we have no further comment at this time.”