The beginning of this year saw the VR MMORPG OrbusVR herald a year-long fifth anniversary celebration, which would normally be cause for a studio to make a lot of noise, but we noticed that things have been alarmingly quiet on the game’s front. So, whatever happened to this plucky little MMO? We regret to report that things are not quite so plucky anymore.
The game’s last content update launched in May, bringing with it a summer fest event and the final portion of an anniversary quest line, but things have otherwise gotten silent on the game’s official site; its social media presence remains effectively killed.
This has led players on the official forums and within an unofficial Discord to grouse among themselves. Reports of rampant hacking have surfaced (with the thread devolving into arguing) and many are assuming the game is either in maintenance mode or wholly abandoned with no active developers employed. Helping this assumption along is the fact that the last official communication from any member of the development team was in a forum post from August.
Still, there does appear to at least be a few hangers-on while others appear to have simply accepted the game’s maintenance mode fate. “Numbers are dwindling, vets don’t stick around as long as they used to, but the community is still here,” reads one player’s post. “It’s more like a small neighborhood of adventurers compared to a world populated with them.”