Turkulon is live in Amazon’s New World as of the crack of dawn this morning, meaning players can start hunting turkey earlier thank Thanksgiving itself. And we literally mean hunting. And this turkey is no pushover.
“Satisfy your hunger for carnage with the succulent Grand Gobbler War Hammer when Turkulon returns on November 15 through 28,” the studio says. “Hunt down the Feathered Avenger of Death and his ‘fowl army’ to earn unique, event-specific items. Thanks to player feedback from last year, loot will now drop more frequently. There are also even more desirable rewards, like a giant turkey leg, waiting to be served.
The patch includes a few other tweaks to spawns, artifacts, the blunderbuss, and disease status effects. It’s a pretty small update, all told, if you discount the new cash shop skins, but Turkulon will give you something new to do if you’re all tapped out on Angry Earth.