Black Desert on PC has applied some class adjustments in this week’s patch. That’s probably not news considering this sort of thing happens in every patch, but we’re leading off with that news first primarily because the new Scholar class is getting a little buff as a treat, so that might perk some player ears.
Specifically, the Scholar’s AoE of certain attacks are being increased slightly, with a larger attack area for the Flow: Golden Thunder and a wider attack area for the Infinite Power and Hammerfall abilities. Other classes like the Woosa, Witch, and Lahn got some minor adjustments as well.
Other highlights for the PC version of BDO include an increase in base energy available to all character families, the ability to ignore the prequel quest to access the Atoraxxian dungeon, and the option to exchange TET IV Blackstar weapons into a Godr-Ayed weapon, among other chnges.
Meanwhile, BDO Console players can now access the Calpheon Elvia realm in this week’s update, which opens up several new monsters and the ability to earn new Godr-Ayed Weapon, new ingredients needed for weapon exchange and enhancement, and items for alchemy stone upgrades.
The patch for console players also makes a number of important class updates, including changes to how speed reduction debuffs apply in PvP and some focused adjustments for the Hashashin, Sorceress, Kunoichi, and Striker. Finally, there are some tweaks to the Great Ocean intended to make it easier for lower level seafaring players to get their own carrack and changes to the Crypt of Resting Thoughts monster zone intended to ease its high accuracy requirements.