Hi-Rez teases SMITE Year 11’s conquest map updates, new god, and ‘big balance shake-ups’


While the majority of Hi-Rez’s attention is fixed on SMITE sequel SMITE 2, there are still things planned for the original game’s Year 11 update, most of which was sprinkled through its Twitter in-between all of the sequel news drops and esports hullabaloo. So allow us a moment to sweep these few dust bunnies together.

Year 11 is being headlined with the Egyptian goddess Nut, the MOBA’s 130th roster addition, who will be voiced by none other than the game’s Lore Lady, who has brought context and details to other character arrivals through the years. Nut will presumably be the very last god to arrive to SMITE, as future new characters will be only in SMITE 2 from here on out.

Another tease is a new conquest mode map update that promises new portals to teleport between side lanes, the addition of celestial comets, and a stronger fire giant who boasts new abilities. Year 11 also promises to have “big balance shake-ups” that will overhaul relics and shards, add multiple new items, and change lifesteal and item stacking systems.

Expect more info trickled out this weekend; in the meantime, fans can watch Nut contemplate the infinite sea in the preview trailer below.

sources: YouTube, Twitter (1, 2)
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