PlanetSide 2 explains upcoming Sunderer updates as a needed step in overall vehicle balance


Last month, PlanetSide 2 made some big proposals for the persistent war FPS’s 2024, one of which being a rework to the Sunderer vehicle. Now that fans have reacted to the news, the devs have resurfaced with a follow-up blog that tries to better contextualize some of these updates and explain their position on the matter.

Most of the blog’s focus is on the change to the vehicle’s repair system, which is meant to make the Sunderer more versatile and to make combat decisions more impactful – the devs want the Sunderer to be part of a mobile armor push with its ability to place repair stations on a cooldown while making it a focused player decision. The devs further promise that the Sunderer is getting “a large number” of defensive upgrades to make it harder to destroy, while also explaining that making its healing effects a separate object with its own set of health and defensive stats will make balancing easier.

These Sunderer updates are the first step in addressing what Rogue Planet feels is a larger problem with vehicles in general, since they suffer from what the team believes is a “single entity problem” – the idea that vehicles are pigeonholed into one purpose and don’t have any degradation in performance until they are completely destroyed. “Presently vehicles are all in, which is where many of the balance issues stem from. But that is a deeper and more complicated issue to be tackled at a point in the future,” the post explains.

Other features in the dev blog touch on addressing the game’s cheating problems and explaining what is meant when changes are reverted, but it’s mostly it’s all about that big chonky van.

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