City of Heroes fans celebrate new players with a Halloween haunted house and giveaways


If you’ve been enjoying our articles on City of Heroes’ sprawling base-building systems, then you’re in for a treat… or possibly a trick… thanks to a multi-day event on Homecoming’s Everlasting server this weekend.

Homecoming Community Representative Dacy – best known to the community for her extensive efforts in the game’s basebuilding scene – is running an event not in her official capacity but definitely in the spirit of the season, and by the season I mean Halloween. It’s a haunted house, with actors, open to the public for three timeblocks this weekend, with plenty of player-donated treats to go along with it – perfect for all the new players the game picked up thanks to its official license.

“Every year at Halloween, there is a giveaway where players go to Halloween-themed bases and get treats worth millions each,” she tells us. “These treats are anything from a rare or a winter IO to Archetype IOs superpacks (that may have 1-2 Archetype IOs in them, plus other things) to just millions in influence. It’s a randomized treat.”

“I thought that, with all of the new players who’d love a bit of influence to get them started, and with the lefltovers the generous donors left me from last year, I could do one weekend just in my base, without having to get all of the other bases going, too. My base on Everlasting is an interactive Haunted House, with lots of surprises. It’s a fun visit; you’ll get great treats and see a bit of what’s possible in bases at Homecoming. Plus the monster costumes are amazing, and it’s a great place to meet new friends. I hope to see you there! All welcome, but especially new players!”

To access the base, head to Homecoming’s Everlasting, roll up a new toon or log into an old one, head to the nearest Base Portal in the starter map, click on it to bring up the base entry password box, and type in:


Alternatively, you can stand near the base portal and type this into chat:

/enterbasefrompasscode BOO-17189

The event runs from 7 p.m. to midnight EST tonight and tomorrow and then again from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday, February 25th. There’s one more bit to note: If you’re a CoH player who uses the cel-shading option in-game, you’ll need to disable it inside the base (the FX won’t work as intended, which will spoil your experience!).

Source: Discord. Thanks for the heads-up, Dacy!
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