New World’s buffed cross-world expeditions LFG helped players suck less at Empyrean Forge (nice)


If you’re recovered from this week’s Forged in Aeternum video, in which New World’s devs explained that they still can’t tell you what exactly is going on in June, then at least you can gorge yourself on a new Amazon dev blog, as the devs talk numbers… about Empyrean Forge.

Amazon level designer Pride St Clair says that the improved group finder has been a huge boon for the instance. “Following the release of Cross-World Expeditions with improved Group Finder, our completion rate for this Expedition run through the Group Finder increased from 80% to 95%,” St Clair explains, posting a “heatmap” of where y’all die the most in the dungeon (Commander Marius apparently accounts for nearly a third of deaths, with an average fight duration around 13-15 minutes, depending on mutation).

Perhaps the most interesting bit is the breakdown by weapon. There really just aren’t any weak weapons in this dungeon; ranged does a tiny bit better than melee, but we’re talking a few percentage points, with sword-and-boarders doing the “worst” with a 93.1% clear rate.

St Clair is joined by multiple influencers for the rest of the blog, which diverges into a guide for players who want to make sure they’re in the 95% of clears and not the 5% of players who log out frustrated.

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