WoW Classic’s Taiwan team stages a fake Cataclysm festival with a doofy dragon


World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm Classic expansion went live this past week, and Blizzard is doing some really odd things to keep this decade-old expansion in the news. Such as the studio’s Taiwan team staging a fake “Black Dragon Festival” that involves burning a somewhat silly-looking dragon.

“In the face of Deathwing’s return, a new tradition arises to bring peace to Azeroth. The Taiwan WoW team went all out,” Blizzard said as an introduction to a mockumentary video about Sir Burns-a-Lot (not its real name).

According to the fake festival’s rules, every three years, a papier mâché Deathwing is created, displayed for three days, and then burned as a symbol of sending him back to the Maelstrom.

Source: YouTube
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