Tarisland promises a balloon-popping good time in one of its many minigames

Balloon games aww yiss


Tarisland has already cast a spotlight over its “misc PvE gameplay,” but the joy of popping a whole bunch of balloons with a well-aimed arrow cannot be denied. That presumed satisfaction awaits in one of the MMORPG’s minigames, Balloon Battle, which got a Twitter video highlight for those who live for the satisfying snap of a balloon’s death.

Despite the suggestion of battle, the game’s objective is pretty basic: Players are given a limited number of arrows to fire and the objective of popping as many balloons as possible, with red balloons causing nearby blue balloons to explode. As the game progresses, red balloons will start shifting positions, making timing key to set off chain explosions.

The minigame is not difficult by Tencent’s own admission, since it’s mostly about patience and getting the right shot off for maximum balloonsplosions, making it a potentially fine palate cleanser in-between all of the more involved activities Tarisland is promising. It’s also apparently subject to change, though we’re hard-pressed to think that a minigame about sliding balloons is going to evolve that much between now and launch.

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