The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?


A thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my eye a few weeks ago as the post author suggested that Albion Online was not only a cozy game but had little incentive to pay-to-win. The thread, of course, immediately provoked a rush of MMO gamers pointing out that the game is both a PvP gankbox and replete with pay-to-win. I have to agree with those replies, even though I enjoyed my time in the game anyway. Sure, the game has farming, but farming doesn’t make a cozy game, and I’d be a fool to say that being able to swipe my credit card (per character subs, y’all!) to offset the risks of PvP and superpower my crafting isn’t pay-to-win. It’s literally the definition. I’m honestly shocked that more westerners aren’t mad about it. People are starved for good PvP games, I guess, and this is unquestionably the best in the genre right now, P2W or not.

Still, there are some MMORPGs out there that could conceivably be considered low-key pay-to-win, even if Albion Online isn’t one. Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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