Generally, if a creature is capable of manipulating something that looks like a crescent moon, it’s probably capable of messing you up real good. Such a creature exists within Palworld, and it just so happens to be the latest Paldeck spotlight video subject, just in case anyone wanted confirmation about what this thing is able to do.
The Pal in question is called a Selyne and is a level 55 boss creature that can be found in the game’s world. The video shares a player perspective of this boss fight, which starts off with Selyne firing a giant laser blast and the player character opening the battle with a bunch of fiery purple meteors. So it’s pretty clear players are going to want to bring their hardest hitting Pals and weapons for this encounter.
The video then closes with the Selyne being captured and it being all friendly with the person who unleashed meteors and fire tornadoes and assault weapons fire on it because that’s just how this game goes. Enjoy the moon laser goodness below.