WRUP: What was Bree doing with this one edition


All right, folks… I’m going to come clean with you, my power went out for a few hours right when I was going to write What Are You Playing, so I texted Bree letting her know that I would need her to take over the column for the week. I gave her a couple of notes and what I had originally been planning, but… well, I’ve just cleaned up that whole column and you get this one. So since I’m pressed for time, here are the notes I sent her when I first opened this.

  • Gonna look at WRUP, I’ve got power back, thanks for filling it in for me in case I didn’t get that back. You’re the best, boss lady.
  • What am I looking at here
  • Bree did you open the file I sent you that said “Insanity Glyphs – DO NOT OPEN”? You weren’t supposed to open that one. It even said so. You were supposed to open the one that said “Lame Jokes About Baseball.”
  • Bree I know all jokes about baseball are lame, please respond.
  • How is this column making my monitor bleed?
  • Look it is vitally important that you never actually put one of the Insanity Glyphs in the header. These things have to be woven subtly. Please tell me you didn’t look directly at any of them.
  • No, a mirror doesn’t count.
  • Yes, the anti-mirror from Plenticorn Seventeen still counts as looking directly at them! Why do you still have the anti-mirror! You told me that it got broken!
  • I didn’t want to use it in order to scribe more Insanity Glyphs, I wanted to use it in order to play with my cats.
  • You don’t get to tell me what my cats like.
  • Look we can still salvage this, just… how much butter do you have in the house right now?
  • All right, well, go to the grocery store.
  • I don’t care if it’s not open, you need that butter or we’re going to have another Madness Zombie incident on our hands!
  • Don’t you blame this on me and my Insanity Glyphs! Look, I like my Insanity Glyphs. It’s just a little thing that makes my life better, I have so little these days. It’s just important to me, and you trying to take that from me makes me feel upset.
  • Yes, use a brick for the window if you can already feel the netherclaw’s touch!
  • Oh, sure, I’ll send you the pierogi recipe tomorrow. Let me clean up the glyphs and set this to publish.

Bonus question: What’s the worst moment you’ve had in which you failed to read the room?

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’m trying to make some headway into Guild Wars 2’s Janthir Wilds, but also, it’s the last weekend of summer and first weekend before school starts for everyone in my household but me, so it’s already chaos all up in here. We’ll see how far I can get!

I live in shame of the time I first met my husband’s thesis advisor, who had only one arm. He was holding his baby in that arm, and without thinking I stuck out my hand for a handshake like an idiot. I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed. He thought it was hilarious, fortunately.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’m likely going to continue to focus on Elite: Dangerous things, but I’m also dipping my way back in to Lord of the Rings Online for a little bit of chilled-out Dwarf things. As chilled-out as a Dwarf yelling in the faces of enemies before swinging a huge axe around can be, anyway.

Bonus: Nope.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): It’s the usual Final Fantasy XIV routine for me while I very specifically delay my foray into World of Warcraft’s new expansion as a form of quiet refutation for the early access antics. Instead of pre-ordering, I am opting to post-order. It makes me happier.

One time, when I was very young, my mother had bought my future stepfather a Christmas gift. When he came to greet us in the driveway, I knew that I had to make sure he didn’t know what she got him, so I told him very loudly that we didn’t get him a gift, but if we had, it would have been a sweater. My mother was enraged. He thought it was hilarious.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m still playing thru a bit of Harry Potter Magic Awakened even though I now know it’s a dead game. My daily habit is hard to break when I still can do everything I always have, but I know it’s not long left for the world. I think more than anything I want to complete the main game’s story. I have any half of chapter 3 and all of chapter 4 still to complete. I’ll try to knock at least chapter 3 out this weekend.

Bonus: I had a friend in college named Meg. I knew her for at least two years, maybe three by the time the failure to read the room occurred. I don’t know if she was having a bad day or I was just being that big a jerk. But I was trying to show off to some old friends from high school a “cool” college party and my cool college friends. I ran up and introduced my buddy, and for no discernable reason, I called her by her full name rather than nickname, “this is Megan!” Meg’s full name was Margaret, not Megan. The area went silent as a barrage of anger towards me was initiated. I still think about that moment and what an idiot I am. Sorry Meg.

Tyler Edwards (blog): After waiting a few days for the rush to die down a bit, I’ve started on World of Warcraft: The War Within. Very positive first impression so far. This feels like nostalgia bait done the right way; a lot of familiar characters and concepts, but it still feels like a new story, not a retread of old ones. Also enjoying getting reacquainted with my warlock.

Bonus question: I have autism, so literally my entire life.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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