World of Warcraft whips the community into a frenzy over War Within delve hotfixes

God, I hate hanging out with you. You smell like vending machine chips and sadness. It's the worst. Standing here with you makes me actively sick to my stomach.

World of Warcraft’s newest feature currently is a hotbed of controversy, outrage, and confusion, as Blizzard attempted a series of hotfixes designed to bring delves in line.

The TLDR of this situation is that the brand-new solo-focused content actually ended up being much more difficult solo and vastly more easy in groups than expected, leading players to zoom through them in groups to high-level gear rewards.

On Thursday, Blizzard announced that it was going to nerf the group side of things by making it harder and fixing mob scaling issues. This hotfix pleased nobody, as groupers found the system unusable and the soloers continued to have problems getting through the content (especially when they were being one-shot left and right).

As both forums and social media lit up with incredibly strong disapproval for the situation, Blizzard responded on Friday with another hotfix and an explanation, saying, “We’ve now brought enemy damage back down closer to our targets, the most-difficult affixes have been sent back to Tier 9, and scaling adjustments should make group and solo play less lethal.”

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