World of Warcraft players can get a new tabard from shopping at Kroger grocery stores

Yes, there are ways to earn it without buying groceries

Hit 'em with the ol' razzle dazzle

We’d like to make a joke here about how there’s a chance to get epic loot from anywhere with the latest World of Warcraft promotion, but the fact of the matter is that it wouldn’t be accurate. The promotion in question is offering a green-quality item, which makes it uncommon loot. Also, it’s not a chance to earn it; you just get the Classic Sunny Tabard by earning Kroger Reward Points by purchasing groceries. So across the board it’s really a different experience. Still, earning a tabard in WoW from buying groceries in real life? That’s… a new thing.

Of course, if you live in an area without Kroger as an option, you might be wondering if you can still get the reward without going Krogering, and the answer is yes. There’s a browser-based platforming game you can play to earn reward points instead, which in turn can be redeemed for the tabard even if you don’t live near a store. (You do have to verify that you’re a US citizen, although the promotion seems unlikely to check that too closely. If you live elsewhere, you will not be breaking the law.) So if you’re looking for a nice sunshine tabard, you’ve got options to earn it.

Source: Wowhead
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