With sandbox MMO BitCraft now going through its latest closed alpha phase, it’s time to keep eyes on what’s changing in the game with its latest patch, which addresses enemy AI, settlements, and early player progression.
The patch is headlined with new aggressive enemies that will seek out soft targets to attack such as crafting benches while avoiding harder targets like walls, meaning players will likely want to ensure their precious buildings are protected. There’s also a new monster slaying activity players can use to thin foes, more dynamic enemy AI behavior, and changes to food and resting.
In terms of settlement mechanics in general, public crafting stations are now mostly phased to characters to stop disruptions, settlements now have a higher starting cost but easier maintenance, and claims will generate more coins the more others earn XP on a settlement; the more popular a claim is, the more money its owner gets.
Finally, the starting experience for BitCraft has seen refinements, including a new neutral claim players can use to advance through the first two tiers of character progress, a more newbie-friendly starting biome, and several new stats that provide more customization, among other updates.