GOG offers a discount on the original Warcraft 1 and 2 along with a commitment to preservation

are you and me gonna happen?

So for some reason people are not super happy with Blizzard’s remasters of Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 on the company’s official storefront. However, if you don’t want to drop $35 on the remasters in question, there is a solution; you can drop $15 on both games over on GOG. Wait, did we say $15? We meant $13: While GOG has to delist both games at Blizzard’s request on December 13th, the storefront has a sale coupon for the games up until that day. So you can get them cheaper and without any art controversy whatsoever.

Perhaps even more importantly, GOG has flagged both games as being preserved under their classic game preservation label, which means that the games are meant to be supported moving forward in perpetuity. So not only can you buy the original games, you can get a commitment to keeping them functional moving forward, albeit not on Blizzard’s official storefront. This would be what in the industry we refer to as a “power move.”

Source: GOG via PC Gamer
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