In any sort of combat-focused gameplay, the player character is generally seeking to not die. (Also during non-combat-focused gameplay, to be fair, but the number of times that characters in Cooking Mama have to dodge certain death is relatively low.) But in World of Warcraft’s Mythic+ runs, death is really more of a secondary penalty. The goal is completing a run as quickly as possible, and while someone dying makes things slower, it doesn’t directly make you more likely to fail a run… currently. But Blizzard is asking players how they’d feel about changing the dungeons to grade based on a total death counter rather than a timer.
A change such as this would massively upset the meta for the game mode, prioritizing survival (and control of enemies) over raw efficiency and possibly leading to slower runs in multiple fashions. Would it make the gameplay experience better? It’s hard to be sure without trying it, but the question is being asked right now presumably ahead of experimentation. So if you’re subscribed to the game and have an opinion on this particular mechanical possibility, keep your eyes peeled for a survey in your inbox.