Ultima Online has released its first patch for New Legacy


There’s a lot going on for Ultima Online players right now, regardless of which version of the game you play! We say that because alternative ruleset New Legacy has received its very first core patch since the official launch back in October.

“We are pleased to announce that New Legacy Publish 1 is now live on the New Legacy shard!” Broadsword says. “This is our first publish to New Legacy post launch and includes a host of quality of life upgrades, bug fixes, world loot drops, a legendary artifact trader and more! With this first release to New Legacy we want to outline how the deployment process will work for this and future publishes. Publishes to New Legacy will go live and there will then be a week long ‘evaluation’ period. During this period there may be unintended issues that may result in changes or rollbacks. We do not expect these to be common nor frequent but wanted New Legacy players to be aware.”

The patch includes a long list of fixes for everything from bard songs and spawns to repeatable objectives and housing prices.

Meanwhile, on the production shards, players have entered the Shattered Sanctum event phase; last week, Broadsword has fixed multiple issues with provocation, spawns, and artifact drop calculations.

Fun fact: Broadsword put out a new New Legacy trailer!

Source: Patch notes, newsletter
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