Throne & Liberty’s latest update extends Startree Solstice quests, teases next battle pass


Throne & Liberty is back in action after the holidays with a fresh update that brings the game to 1.12.0. Servers went down at 1:30 a.m. EST this morning for a planned 10-hour downtime, though actually the servers were back up in fewer than eight hours.

“Due to an issue that caused the Startree Solstice Pass Point Shop to close earlier than intended, we will be extending the Startree Solstice Pass end date to January 16 to give players who may have missed out on some Point Shop rewards a chance to complete quests and spend any remaining star crystals,” Amazon’s patch notes say. “All previously unlocked progress will remain intact. The premium pass track will no longer be purchaseable after January 9th, though mission progress will still be available. At the end of the Startree Solstice Pass season, your remaining Star Crystals will turn into Quality Recovery Crystals.”

Additional points of note in the update include fixes to guild summon dates, war games, character hair color display, combat setting presets, the chat UI, auction house functionality, inventory navigation, and borky combat abilities.

Amazon and NCsoft did tease the next battle pass on social media, but fans are still clamoring for a roadmap. The team did deliver a roadmap back in September, but its throughline ended in December, so fans would like a 2025 outlook now with more details on how those quarterly-ish updates will go.

T&L took MOP’s award for MMO of the year for 2024.

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