Pax Dei doesn’t have a patch date yet, but it does have flowerboxes and creepy cultist ladies


If you were hoping for a date for the next Pax Dei patch today, then you’re going to return to your regularly scheduled Friday disappointed, as Mainframe Industries says it’s not ready to etch it into the calendar. However, the studio did drop a Discord thread with a sneak peek of what the design teams have been working on.

Specifically, Mainframe says the devs have been working on new mineral tile floors, window shutters, fur rugs, and loads of new planter.

“Who doesn’t love flowers? Adding flower planters to your home, castle, or camp can bring a touch of brightness to any space. These vibrant planters are sure to liven up your designs. If they don’t add lag as well, of course – bad joke, sorry – don’t worry, our team is actively addressing the issue as we speak. Check out the different types of planters – some are already available, and the rest are coming soon.”

The post concludes with a brief preview of the female version of the Zebian cultists. Just as gross as the men, don’t worry.

The most recent movement in the game was last week’s addition of two new servers in the US and EU.

Source: Discord
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