New World is merging its PC servers again, with 28 servers total affected this time


Just two months after the last New World server merge, Amazon is already doing another one. Last night, the company announced it’ll take 18 of its PC servers and squish them down into 10.

“In our ongoing effort to enhance your gaming experience, we’ll be merging several game worlds,” the studio says. “We’ll continue to monitor population trends and adapt as needed.”

It’s happening quickly, too: Starting February 18th, character transfers and transfers will be disabled on the retiring servers and players on them will be able to transfer to any server for a week. If they don’t pick their own destination server by February 25th, the studio will merge them according to the chart.

The last server merge for New World ran the first week of December, shortly after the initial launch of New World Aeternum. We count 48 servers right now total, and after the merges (which are all into existing servers), that should leave us with 30. At least on PC, average player numbers are slightly under half what they were following the launch of Aeternum. We don’t have hard numbers on who’s left on console – but none of the merges affects console, either.

Source: Discord
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