Mabinogi celebrates its 17th anniversary with gifts and a roadmap sneak peek


A very happy birthday goes out to Nexon’s Mabinogi, the surprisingly full-featured anime MMORPG sandbox that’s been operating for an impressive 17 years now! It’s a great time to be playing or returning to the game, as Nexon has a pile of gifts to hand out to players from now through April 3rd.

The free gift package includes a choice of dyes, a title coupon, a “scented bear chair,” a heart sword, Astral image frame imprinting stickers, and a whole heap of bait. Probably should’ve saved something more impressive for the last item on that list, but oh well.

Also for the anniversary, Nexon is hosting a GM meetup event next Wednesday the 26th for “quality time with the Mabinogi team” and will be offering a sneak peek of the next content roadmap.

Source: Mabinogi
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