It is high time that we check back in with ECO, that multiplayer world ecosystem simulator, because there’s some major happenings going on in this game. The team recently dropped its Alpha 6 patch, bringing a ton of sparkly features to this in-development title.
One of the coolest new features that debuted in Alpha 6 is being able to customize your game worlds: “The new law system introduces a new way to construct laws for your Eco worlds. Build laws composed of many different conditional statements and effects, with a simple drop-down based interface.”
Other changes include “physical” mining that involves physics, the addition of durability to tools, additional plant and animal species (hope you like trout!), fishing (hope you REALLY like trout!), a contract board for jobs, reputation that players can give each other, player objectives, player credit, more skill options, improved graphics, better optimization, and debris when you chop a tree down.