Conan Exiles newsletter previews updated map and weapon combos, announces 4x XP PvP event


The latest edition of Conan Exiles’s community newsletter is out, and it’s packed with loads of information about patch schedules, the upcoming updated map, new weapon combos, and this weekend’s live event. The newsletter opens by talking about the game’s patch schedule, acknowledging that although the devs “would like to roll out fixes . . . as soon as [they] can,” they are also “the first to admit that [they] have been guilty of patching too quickly in the past.” As such, going forward, the team plans to patch the game “every 4 to 6 weeks, with one possible hotfix within that 4-6 week period if needed,” which will hopefully strike a good balance between speed and stability in game updates.

Moving on from that, the newsletter provides players with a look at the new-and-improved game map, which now features a grid and coordinate system to help players navigate the world of Conan Exiles with greater ease. The updated map is already in-game on the Testlive branch and will be added to the live game with the upcoming Pets update. Also on display are the new weapon combos, which will also be rolling out with the Pets update. Following the update, weapon combos will now incorporate offhand items such as shields and offhand weapons, and they look appropriately brutal and bloody. Last, but not least, the newsletter announces that this weekend will mark the beginning of a month-long 4x XP PvP event, during which players on PvP servers will earn, you guessed it, quadruple experience.

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