Evidently there was some dirty pool going down in the Xbox version of Bless Unleashed. The game’s official Twitter account noted that there were players on the platform who were duplicating things found in the game’s founder’s packs, including items and Lumena, the game’s cash shop currency.
A number of accounts were temporarily suspended but have otherwise been taken out of the sin bin with the exception of approximately 20 accounts, which “took advantage of this exploit in ways that are preventing [Neowiz] from lifting their bans.” So what do those account holders need to do in order to get back into the company’s good graces? Buy back their ill-gotten gains:
“They may be required to purchase Lumena to compensate for the amount they spent without purchasing, in order to bring their accounts out of a state where they owe Lumena to the system.”
It should be noted that this is merely a suggestion of what those account holders may need to do and not an ultimatum. Those who still have a banned account are being referred to the game’s support system.