Everyone knows the acronyms of PvE and PvP, but what about PvB? We’ll call that “Player vs. Bots,” and it’s especially relevant in PlanetSide 2 this week as the robotic fourth faction, the NSO, has come roaring back into the game’s PS4 edition in a powerful way.
While unlocking the NSO is free to all players, you’ll have to put a little bit of work to get there. Daybreak requires that you have a BR20+ character and complete a mission before getting to make your own murderbot.
NSO characters won’t fight as their own distinct faction, however. Daybreak said that such players will start off as “freelancers” who will be assigned to help out the lowest populated faction on a server. Subscribers can eschew this and decide to join up with one of the other three factions if they so decide.
This week’s update also comes with the new Dervish Heavy Fighter, the Chimera Main Battle Tank, and an array of NSO infantry weapons.