
Factions is a standalone expansion for Guild Wars that released on April 28, 2006. It may also refer to the combat module release of Origins of Malu.

Stalcraft X is an overhaul of the original free-to-play survival extraction MMOFPS

There are enough multiplayer shooters out there to have some fly under the radar, which has arguably been the case for the MMOFPS Stalcraft,...

Last Epoch stresses QOL improvements coming with its Harbingers of Ruin update

We're on the cusp of receiving Last Epoch's anticipated Patch 1.1: Harbingers of Ruin, which is scheduled to arrive on July 9th. While you...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with The First Descendant, plus a chat with the Nexon devs

You thought our Summer Game Fest coverage was over, didn't you? Well, in all fairness, Nexon not only brought The First Descendant to SGF but provided...

SGF 2024: Previewing Funcom’s Dune Awakening, from PvP philosophy to the survival MMO label

I must admit I went into Summer Game Fest with pretty low expectations. I was MOP's "E3 guy" back when E3 was a concern,...

Persist Online interview: CipSoft explains why Persist is an MMORPG, not a survival shooter

Earlier this week, we covered the surprising news that Tibia developer CipSoft has a new MMORPG on the way. At least, the studio is...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Previewing Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure’s final chapter, The Midnight King

It's strange to say it after just one year, but Guild Wars 2's Secrets of the Obscure era is drawing to a close! Don't...

Sea of Thieves discusses a returning event and future gameplay adjustments in video

Sea of Thieves has once more condensed some of its upcoming news features into a digest video, with the first two-thirds offering a look...

Second Wind: World of Warcraft’s radically casual new endgame

Today we're going to be dusting off Second Wind, a column where we revisit MMOs of the past. It's an older column, sir, but...

Dune Awakening explains why ‘spice is power’ for this upcoming survival MMO

Even those most tangentially aware of the Dune franchise are aware that everyone in that setting is pretty crazy about spice. This resource fuels...

Kickstarted MMORPG Legends of Aria is relaunching as Legends of Aria Classic on May 9

When last we looked in on Legends of Aria, it was fading fast into unfortunate obscurity. The Kickstarted MMORPG - originally known as Shards...

New World’s Scot Lane talks Summer Game Fest announcement timing and Amazon support

As we noted this morning, New World's Season of the Guardian is live today - in fact, it was only a few minutes later...

Helldivers 2 players decry mission farming and saboteurs as servers stabilize and stealth is hinted at

This past weekend in Helldivers 2 was significantly more stable as far as the game's servers are concerned, which has now opened players up...
There were problems.

Perfect Ten: 10 problems that really hurt The Secret World

For whatever reason, The Secret World is one of those games that people keep going back over mentally, an MMO that still collectively has...

Open world survivalbox Smalland launches out of early access

One brand-new survival game is attempting to go big -- by going very, very small. Smalland: Survive the Wilds launched out of early access this...

Scars of Honor is a throwback to the ‘golden age’ of MMOs with a $200K Kickstarter

Another day, another MMO that seeks to "bring back the golden age of the genre." But will the emerging Scars of Honor capture the...

Black Desert talks up 300v300 War of the Roses PvP and today’s 15v15 Guild League

Black Desert is taking a page out of EVE Online's playbook and promoting its mass-PvP systems - specifically, the War of the Roses pre-season...

Survival MMO Age of Water previews hostile NPC factions and boat construction

On Monday, we dropped a big interview with Gaijin-funded Three Whales Studio, which is aiming to launch its Waterworldish post-apoc oceanfaring survival MMO Age...

Interview: Survival MMO Age of Water on monetization, sandbox play, and the Q1 early access launch

Way back at the end of 2020, we first caught wind of a new sandbox called Age of Water: Developed by Three Whales Studio...

MMOs You’ve Never Heard Of: Flatty, Starbreak, Discovery Freelancer

Welcome back to another quick roundup of MMOs and MMO-adjacent multiplayer titles you’ve (probably) never heard of! This time around, we're pretty much going...

Last Epoch offers a deep-dive into the faction-based item trade system arriving in February 21 launch

Loot. It's one of the big motivators for playing most OARPGs and Last Epoch is certainly no exception, so word that the game is...