Earlier this week we reported on news coming from the SWGEmu rogue servers of Star Wars Galaxies, which announced plans to open a new “temporary test server” by the name of Finalizer. As of this morning, that server has officially opened its doors.
The announcement is short and sweet, simply welcoming players into the server, asking players who find bugs to report them, and offering instructions on just how to file said bugs. Otherwise, the announcement simply expresses excitement from the SWGEmu operators in seeing how Finalizer will evolve.
As mentioned in our prior reporting, this new server is being opened in order to fight back against perceived stagnation that has occurred in the other testing server Basilisk, while SWGEmu itself inches closer to its final, fully playable server of Suncrusher. If you’re among those old SWG fans who would like to help that happen, then your new testing server is available.