

Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWGEmu begins a three-part video series about its history and development

While much of the attention of the Star Wars Galaxies fanbase arguably aims in the direction of rogue server SWG Legends, there is another...

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server confirms leak that it’s considering subscription benefits

Uncertainty has enfolded Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Restoration III, as a player senator leaked financial plans from the team that suggest the...

Star Wars Galaxies is 21 years old today as the rogue server community marches onward

Well well well, look who's finally able to go drinking in all the states: Star Wars Galaxies is turning 21 today, having originally launched...

Massively Overthinking: If you lost your account in your main MMORPG, would you start over?

The other day, MOP's Justin came into our work chat understandably nervous because he couldn't log into his Lord of the Rings Online account;...

Star Wars Galaxies’ SWGEmu kicks off classic Wookiee Life Day for the holiday season

The nice thing about the Star Wars Galaxies rogue server community is that there's a server out there with nearly every era of the...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO devs focus on quality-of-life features over content?

Today's Daily Grind is not really about any one MMO, so hear me out. I came across a thought-provoking poll the other day from...

SWGEmu celebrates Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday year with a tribute video

Yes, Star Wars Galaxies celebrated its 20th anniversary back in June - we wrote all about it - but we like SWG 'round these...

SWGEmu’s Finalizer rogue server is apparently struggling to make its monthly budget

One of the topics that doesn't get talked about all that much in the MMORPG rogue server space is how old-school emulators get paid...

Ahead of Star Wars Galaxies’ 20th birthday, the Legends and Resto rogue servers are on the move

The Star Wars Galaxies emulator and rogue server community is surely eyeing the game's 20th anniversary later this month and is already cueing up...

Star Wars Day around the MMO galaxy: SWTOR, SWG, and more

It's May the Fourth, the modern celebration of Star Wars when the internet erupts with memes and the MMOs run events and nobody's madder...

Star Wars Galaxies emu Dark Rebellion uses integrated D20 systems for ‘complex and immersive adventures’

Roleplaying in MMORPGs is very often an additive experience that's hammered into the existing framework of the game, not baked in to its entire...

SWGEmu sunsets the original Basilisk server, but Finalizer is going strong

One of Star Wars Galaxies' oldest emulator projects bid farewell to a long-running test server this past weekend. SWGEmu announced that it took the...

The MOP Up: SWG rogue server Empire in Flames celebrates five years

Star Wars Galaxies: Empire in Flames rogue server celebrated its fifth anniversary this past week. "Since the doors opened on May 4th 2017, EiF...

SWG Legends tours its new Bespin apartments, SWG Empire in Flames adds new playable races

It's time to check the news out of the emulator servers for Star Wars Galaxies! We start first with the biggie, Legends, which granted...
Oh boy.

Star Wars Galaxies’s SWGEmu opens its Finalizer test server today

Earlier this week we reported on news coming from the SWGEmu rogue servers of Star Wars Galaxies, which announced plans to open a new...
A long time ago, in a galaxy... oh, you know.

SWGemu rogue server group launches a new Star Wars Galaxies test server

What would be a better Life Day gift this season than to get a brand-new server from the good folks that brought you the...

The Daily Grind: Do you *really* want MMOs to be constantly changing and evolving?

On Napyet's podcast last year, I talked about the differences between SWGemu and SWG Legends, both Star Wars Galaxies emulators with very different goals....

Jedi have arrived to Star Wars Galaxies’ Empire in Flames rogue server

We talk a lot about Star Wars Galaxies Legends and the SWGemu here on MOP, and we even covered the... let's call it tumultuous...
tfw you're in love with lovely johnny

Massively Overthinking: Do you associate music with memory in MMOs?

The other night, I tried to log in to the Star Wars Galaxies emu and the music hit me hard. See, I play SWG...

Which Star Wars Galaxies rogue server is for you? Here’s the best list we’ve seen

The MMORPG rogue server industry is booming lately, you might have noticed, particularly for much-loved MMOs that were sunset for dumb reasons in the...