Snag an ArcheAge Unchained Dark Shaman Raiment Outfit ahead of December 15’s fresh start servers


As we noted in our companion post, ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained are preparing another fresh start server for players hungry to try the game out without baggage. The server’s set to go live in two weeks on December 15th, complete with celebration events, global challenges, and even a regional PvP tourney.

In anticipation of the new server, Kakao has granted us sets of keys for the Dark Shaman Raiment Outfit in ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained. This post is for ArcheAge Unchained; if you’re looking for the ArcheAge giveaway, you’ll want to head to this separate post. The giveaway should work for players in North America, Oceania, and Europe (excepting Russia). Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!

ArcheAge Unchained giveaway (go here for ArcheAge giveaway)

get your key

605 keys left!

To redeem your code, create a Kakao account and login to; go to My Account overview; enter your key in the Redeem Code input box; and press Confirm.

Codes are valid now and expire on February 28th, 2023. Codes will work only for players in North America, Oceania, and Europe (excepting Russia). This outfit can be used in both ArcheAge and AcheAge Unchained, but you must apply the correct game code for each one, so make sure you’ve collected and applied the right key for the right game.

Standard giveaway notes: If there’s no captcha or Mo button and all it says is “No keys left! Sorry” in big letters, then we’re out of keys. If we get another batch from the studio, we’ll send out a note on social media. Having problems with the captcha not working? Try an alt browser or clear your cache. And finally, hang on to your code! If you lose it after all of our keys are given out, we cannot retrieve it for you.

Good luck and have fun!

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